Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Have You Launched an F-Bomb Today?

Well, anyone who knows me will tell you that I do it all of the time, but get your head out of the gutter!!  I'm talking about the F-words that are the BOMB and that will EXPLODE your life!  Food, fitness, faith, family, finances, and for some this could even be fame and fortune.  Fulfillment.  Forgiveness.  How many of these words have you explored today??

I have been working on creating BALANCE in my life and so I strive on a daily basis to pay some attention to and focus on multiple F-Bombs each day.  For awhile there I was so caught up with fitness that I was neglecting food, or focusing so much on finances that my family was getting the short end of the stick.  A perfect day for me now encompasses some aspects of all of the important F's:  Future (writing my book), Finances (earning a living while also working on building a fortune), Faith (devoting some time to spiritual pursuits), Family (trying to ensure that I engage in conversation and/or praise each one of my children, prepare and/or eat dinner with my kids, help with homework, be involved in their activities on some level), Fitness (of course, a workout!), Food (striving to eat clean, whole, non-toxic, non-processed fuel only), and Factor S (SLEEP!).

Today was one of those days.  With FOCUS, I managed my time, day, and activities and followed my DMO (Daily Mode of Operations), completed my To-Do List and am wrapping up with writing and planning my activities for tomorrow.  I have seen over the past 30 months what striving for these days most of the time can do to a life, and the amazing progress, achievements and FULFILLMENT that results.

Have you planned your day, your week, your month, your next year, 5 years and 10?  Are you creating your future or just drifting along and hoping for the best?  This is my Future!

What's yours?

Top Five Things You Can Do Starting NOW:  1) Figure out YOUR "F-Bombs", 2) Create a DMO, 3) Practice Gratitude, 4) Read, and 5) Record.

Let me know if you need help!

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