Monday, August 20, 2012


I'm sitting here on a Saturday after working 8 hours today and wondering why I am working so many hours to make ends meet. I have had less than a handful of weekends off in the last 15 months and am getting tired of watching the bosses make all the money while I do all the work for that to happen.

I spent the last week going over some things and decided I need to focus on how to put me at the top and find people to work for me. I wrote a resignation letter dated for my birthday 2 years from now. I designed my new beach house on an 8 x 11 sheet of paper at work. I am currently looking for a picture of the new boat I want to cruise the ocean with. I am posting all of these on the wall next to my office at home. I want to remind myself daily what my goals are and figure out how to get there.

I have read the books of how to do it, my favorite author being Mike Dooley who says not to worry about the how, but to focus on where you want to be and take steps every day to get there and it will happen. It may not take the road you had planned, but nevertheless you will find yourself at the end you imagined.

I know this is hard to comprehend and I haven't quite wrapped my hands around it, but it has to be more successful than what I have done for the last 20 year.

My goal is to work as little as possible and let other people work for me. Part of my goal is to also take those people along for the ride so they can enjoy the same success. After all, how much fun would it be to do it alone? I have chosen the health and fitness industry to take me there, but the possibilities are endless. Find your passion and turn it into your career and make it work for you so you can enjoy the luxuries in life instead of providing them to your boss.

Here's to success and riches in the very near future.

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